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Innova’s Databases are the world’s most comprehensive, dynamic CPG datasets. Covering the essential areas of consumer, market sizing and new product innovation to give you the detailed picture.


Designed for granular level analysis, to ease you to the specific answers you need. Chart your findings and evidence your insights quickly and simply. Our databases are backed by advanced analytic tools and expert support.

Your analysis supported by unrivaled coverage

Innova’s continually updated databases provide you with the insights you can trust.

New Products Database

The world’s most extensive and dynamic new product database captures more than 90% of global innovation. Allowing you to spot emerging trends, identify opportunities and track competitor activity.

Consumer Database

Innova’s year-round global surveys identify the consumer drivers influencing purchase decisions and shaping trends. Every angle covered to deliver a richer understanding of consumer behaviors and demands.

Market Sizing Database

Accurate sizing from Innova’s extensive coverage of food and beverage categories. See where growth opportunities are emerging. Discover current and projected volumes, values and per capita consumption.

Bar graph on a laptop used to analyze and pull data at Innova

Experience the power of Innova’s Databases to get to the granular level insights you need on new products, market sizes and consumers.

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