Global Sugar Reduction Trends and Innovations

Explore the current sugar reduction trends in the global food and beverage industry

August 20, 2024 – Sugar is a global point of concern for consumers, with increasing evidence indicating the negative health effects linked to its overconsumption. Here we will highlight the latest sugar reduction trends and innovations in the global food and beverage market, focusing on consumer attitudes, top claims, and popular alternative sweeteners.

Consumer Attitudes About Health

Consumers globally say that it’s important for food and beverage products to be low in unhealthy ingredients, including sugar. They also think that indulgent foods and beverages could be made healthier by limiting or reducing non-healthy ingredients such as sugar.  Consumers who were asked which ingredients they are most conscious of limiting or reducing in their diet named sugar as #1, followed by fat and sodium. A solid majority of consumers would rather cut back on sugar than use sugar alternatives. Smaller percentages say that they use sweeteners for sweetness with fewer calories.

Highest Acceptance for Natural Sweeteners

Globally, consumer acceptance is highest for natural sweeteners. When asked which approach to sweetening food and beverage appeals most, consumers named naturally sweet ingredients such as fruit juice first. This was followed by using less sweeteners and using natural sweeteners like stevia in place of sugar. Consumers globally also were asked about their sweetener preferences. Cane sugar and brown beet sugar topped stevia; white beet sugar and fructose syrup also appear on the list of top five accepted sweeteners.

No Added Sugar is the Top Claim

Innova Market Insights monitors food and beverage launches to see which claims are most prevalent. A growing number of products carry a sugar reduction claim. No added sugar is the top claim, followed by sugar-free and low sugar. All three of these sugar reduction claims are growing.

Globally, soft drinks are the top category for sugar reduction claims, followed by sports nutrition and baby and toddlers products. Top subcategories include sports nutrition powders and the soft drinks subcategories juices and carbonates. Fastest growing are flavored alcoholic beverages, chilled desserts, and energy drinks.

Global Sugar Reduction

Manufacturers Use Different Strategies for Sugar Reduction

Manufacturers are exploring different strategies for sugar reduction without compromising taste. One strategy is to reduce or eliminate sugar from a product to create a product without sweeteners or certain types of sweeteners. Another is to use sugar substitutes that are naturally sweet ingredients or natural sweeteners. Stevia is by far the top natural non-nutritive sweetener globally, followed by monk fruit and allulose. In natural sweeteners, allulose is growing fastest, then coconut blossom syrup and monk fruit extract. Sucralose, acesulfame-K, and aspartame are the top artificial sweeteners. Cyclamate, neotame, and acesulfame-K lead in growth.

Innovation in Sugar Reduction

Food and beverage manufacturers are innovating in sugar reduction trends by using certain fibers. Fibers that are fastest growing include chicory inulin, resistant dextrin, and agave inulin. Another innovative strategy is to use enzymes to convert sugars into fibers.

Sweet proteins offer a new option for sugar reduction. A newly discovered sweet protein in honey truffle has no calories or aftertaste. The sweet proteins brazzein and thaumatin are made by precision fermentation and also enhance flavor.

Overcoming Taste Challenges

Taste is a major challenge in sugar reduction. Manufacturers are overcoming the taste challenges in the sugar reduction space with novel ingredients. One ingredient is a combination of sugar and protein with all the flavor of sugar and no off flavors. A new stevia ingredient has less bitterness, no off flavors, better sweetness, and a clean label.

Innova Top Trends Align with Sugar Reduction

Several top trends from Innova Market Insights are compatible with sugar reduction trends. The top trends of Ingredients: Taking the Spotlight and Plant-Based: The Rise of Applied Offerings are supported by the growing popularity of monk fruit. Indulging in Health includes the growing trends toward zero sugar chocolates.

Insights Support Sugar Reduction

Sugar reduction trend research shows that sugar is the top ingredient to be limited, with naturally sweet ingredients as an appealing approach. Sugar reduction claims are expected to continue growing, led by claims on soft drinks and sports nutrition products. Less sugar can mean more fiber, as well as use of sweet proteins. Technological innovations will further advance sugar reduction.


This article is based on our report, “Trends & Innovations in the Sugar Reduction Space – Global.” If you are interested in reading this report, feel free to request a demo.
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