Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry: Latin America Consumer Insights

Explore the Latest Latin America Consumer Insights into Food and Beverage Sustainability

October 17, 2024 – Latin American consumers have views and opinions on sustainability, including attitudes about the sustainability issues that matter most. Latin American consumer trends research also shows that Latin American consumers care about which sustainability actions will have the most impact.

Questions about Latin American Food Sustainability

Several issues are the most important ones to consider about food and sustainability in Latin America. Which sustainability issues are most important and urgent for Latin American consumers? How do Latin American consumers take action toward sustainability at home? What roles do Latin American consumers think companies should play regarding sustainability? How aware are Latin American consumers about farming innovations around sustainability. What are the views of Latin American consumers regarding the sustainability of meat and dairy products and plant-based alternatives?

Sustainability Globally and in Latin America

Consumers around the world, including Latin American consumers, feel the impact of climate change. Climate change affects the global and local environment, economy, and society, and sustainability is top of mind.  Latin American consumers are very worried about health of the planet. It is the top concern among Latin American consumers, regardless of generation, household size, and income level. Consumers in Latin America are highly aware of global issues such as water shortages and animal cruelty. Latin American consumers are very willing to pay more to solve issues such as water shortages. The Latin American consumers who are most willing to pay extra for environmental issues include Millennials and higher income.

Latin American Consumers Take Action for Sustainability

In consumer trends research, a high proportion of Latin American consumers say buying sustainable food and beverage products makes them feel good. Reducing food waste is the #1 environmental action. Latin American households of all sizes, income levels, and generations reduce food waste. Smaller portions is a first step.

Consumer trends research show that Latin Americans are recycling and upcycling to improve the environment and cut costs. They also are eating seasonal foods, looking for local ingredients, and supporting local growers, producers and merchants.

Latin America Consumer Expectations for 
F&B Sustainability

Companies Should Protect the Planet

Most Latin American consumers say that companies should combine everyday sustainability measures with nature protection, conservation of natural resources, and transparency about sourcing. According to Innova consumer trends research, Latin American consumers say that nature protection includes protecting animals and biodiversity.

Impact of Recyclable Packaging

Latin American consumers notice recyclable packaging and also that it costs more. They are wary of packaging with a recyclability claim because of possible greenwashing and increased corporate profits. That is why well over have of Latin Americans participating in consumer trends research say that companies should be more honest on packaging about their sustainability efforts. And although companies have increased their efforts to use sustainable packaging for other benefits, very few new product launches highlight this.

Agriculture in the Future

Latin American consumers research say they pay attention to claims about protecting nature, but these claims are not very widespread on packages, even though the agricultural industry has introduced innovative practices to protect the planet. Consumer trends research shows that consumers would accept practices that are better for the planet, including regenerative agriculture, precision farming using technology to monitor threats to crops and manage various aspects of crop cultivation. However, consumers are concerned that these practices will cost more for farmers and result in more expensive food and beverage products.

Meat, Dairy, and Sustainability

When asked in a recent consumer trends research, Latin American consumers responded that meat substitutes and non-dairy alternatives are more sustainable than regular meat and dairy products. They also think that cell-based meats, which are not widely available, are more sustainable. Latin American consumers are most concerned about food quality and health when considering conventional meat and dairy products.

Latin Americans are changing their eating habits. They say that they are consuming more dairy and poultry and have cut back on meat such as beef, pork and lamb. Looking at differences in generations, younger consumers are eating more poultry while Boomers are eating less meat.

Latin American consumers support eating or drinking alternatives to meat and dairy as a way to eat less meat and dairy. Their #1 strategy is to eat more plant-based products. Latin American consumers are willing to try meat substitutes but launches of meat substitutes and dairy alternatives have dropped in recent years.

Another concern of Latin American consumers is animal welfare as part of nature protection. Even though consumers are interested in animal welfare claims on packages, few meat substitutes or dairy alternatives say that their products are ethical to animals, birds and fish.

What’s Next in Sustainability in Food and Beverage Industry?

Here are a few trends to watch regarding sustainability in Latin America. Consumer demand for meat substitutes and dairy alternatives is expected to go up, with companies improving product sensory features. Packages are likely to display more ethical environmental, animal and human claims, with companies becoming more transparent about sourcing. Consumers will continue to put pressure on companies to act sustainably. Watch for increased focus on ingredients and products that are local, seasonal and upcycled. Expect farmers to adopt regenerative farming and technology practices. Watch for gene-edited crops that are resistant to climate change.


This article is based on Innova’s Now & Next in Consumer Expectations in Sustainability in Latin America report. This report is available to purchase or with an Innova Reports subscription. Reach out to find out more

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