Innova SprintAI

Get the expert analysis you need, instantly

Our generative AI is trained on thousands of Innova reports written by CPG specialists. Getting you to the answers and insights you need in a matter of minutes.

Research smarter and faster

SprintAI boosts your research and analysis capability using the most comprehensive range of reports available for CPG marketers, innovators and product developers.

Accelerate innovation

Be inspired by the latest trends and explore opportunities more quickly and easily. Innova reports cover all the angles, from consumers, categories and products through to ingredients, flavor and packaging.

Why innovators use Innova SprintAI

Trusted data and expert analysis

SprintAI works on a closed loop using Innova’s immense proprietary data sets and expert human analysis to ensure high quality responses you can trust without data scraping or the risk of hallucinations.

Flexible search functionality

Ask for specific data, extract the insights you need in the way you need them from one report or conduct a search across all Innova Reports with intelligent prompts that help you to discover more.

The best technology

Built using the most advanced, robust, and reliable technology available, Innova have been using AI for 10+ years which means SprintAI is expertly designed for CPG market intelligence.

Consumer trends

Whatever your market insights question, SprintAI has the answers.

Find out more, get a demo.

How it works

Using a conversational interface, you simply type in your query and SprintAI will find and summarize the relevant data and insights for you in a matter of seconds.


Intelligent prompts help you to phrase your questions in the right way to get the optimum results and responses. It will also make suggestions for related queries so that you can dig deeper and discover more of the insights you need.

What our customers are saying

Discover the full range of Innova Reports

Visit our dedicated Reports page for a glimpse into the breadth and depth of insights available. Customize the package and bundles that fit your business.

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