Sustainability in the Food and Beverage Industry: Global Consumer Insights

Explore the Latest Global Consumer Insights into Food and Beverage Sustainability

October 17, 2024 – Consumers globally have views on sustainability. They also have attitudes about the most important issues and impactful actions. Several questions can be asked about global sustainability. Which sustainability issues are most critical to consumers globally? How can consumers improve sustainability at home?  What do consumers say about the role companies in addressing sustainability? How aware are consumers about innovative farming methods to improve sustainability? What do consumers think about sustainability in the meat and dairy industries.

Global Sustainability Includes Health of the Planet

The impact of climate change on the global environment, economy, and society increases the importance of sustainability. In global consumer trends research, consumers name the health of the planet as their top concern in global issues. Other concerns include health of the population and economic uncertainty. Consumers around the world are worried about the health of the planet and concern crosses most countries, as well as all generations, household sizes, and incomes. Two key issues rise to the top, namely plastic waste and food waste. Furthermore, consumer trends research show that consumers are willing to pay more to help solve various issues affecting planet health, namely, animal cruelty, water shortages, plastic waste, and food waste. Willingness to pay extra is highest among Millennials, higher-income households, and larger families.

Consumers Take Action

Consumers globally like to take action regarding social and environmental issues as a way to feel good about themselves and also cut costs. Around the world, consumers equate reducing food waste with support of the environment. Food waste reduction goes up with age and is motivated by health and finances. Consumers participating in trends research say that they reduce food waste by making smaller portions when they cook. Boomers also report reusing leftovers. Upcycled ingredients appeal to consumers globally and especially to older consumers.

Consumers globally also buy local foods and ingredients to support ethical and social issues. They appreciate when products carry claims about local production and sources and pay attention to ingredient origin statements on package labels. Across all generations, consumers buy locally for health and environmental reasons.

Sustainability in Food and Beverage Industry

Companies are Expected to Protect Nature

Consumers expect manufacturers to invest in protecting nature. Consumer trends research show that consumers view nature protection as reducing waste and also saving animals and forests. Priorities differ among generations – Generation Z and Millennials prioritize animal protection and Generation X and Boomers prioritize protection of forests. They also differ in desire for sustainable water usage (older generations) and green energy (younger generations). Income level is associated with different priorities, waste reduction for middle-income households and lower carbon footprint for high-income households.

Manufacturers have increased environmental label claims over a recent five-year period. This has been noticed by consumers globally, who also notice more sustainable packaging and local products. But consumers globally may not trust companies because of concerns about profit-taking and greenwashing. They have trouble determining whether a company is greenwashing or not and would like companies to be more honest about their sustainability efforts.

Regenerative Agriculture Goes Mainstream

Regenerative agriculture is becoming a mainstream farming technique. Because manufacturers are getting good results from pilot programs, they are adopting regenerative agriculture techniques and including regenerative agriculture on the label. Consumers have a positive perception of regenerative agriculture as being better for the planet. They also have positive opinions about precision farming that combines data with technology. Despite their positive impressions, consumers worry that new farming techniques will cost farmers more.

Consumers Decrease Meat and Dairy

Consumers globally are concerned about meat and dairy agriculture sustainability, including animal welfare and effects on the environment. The number of consumers globally who eat meat and dairy products is going down while consumers are eating more meat substitutes and dairy alternatives. They view dairy alternatives as the top strategy for consuming less dairy and meat substitutes as the #3 way to eat less meat. Both are seen as more sustainable than regular meat and dairy. More dairy alternatives than meat substitutes carry ethical packaging and environmental claims. However, the presence of claims is growing more rapidly on meat substitutes. The future may bring cell-based meat, which consumers say is more sustainable than regular meat.

What’s Next in Sustainability in Food and Beverage Industry?

Environmental circularity is expected to be refined and expanded. Ethical claims about the environment, animals, and humans are likely to increase. Consumers will continue to put pressure on corporations to act sustainably. Local ingredients and products will be in the sustainability spotlight. Innovation in agriculture can usher in new technologies, including gene editing. Watch for environmentally responsible packaging and sourcing. Finally, dairy alternatives are expected to improve in taste and mouthfeel.


This article is based on Innova’s Now & Next in Consumer Expectations in Sustainability – Global report. This report is available to purchase or with an Innova Reports subscription. Reach out to find out more

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