Sustainability in Food and Beverage Industry: European Consumer Insights

Explore the Latest European Consumer Insights into Food and Beverage Sustainability

October 17, 2024 – European consumers have views and attitudes about sustainability. Certain issues matter more to them, and they feel that certain actions will have the most impact on sustainability. Consumer research surveys conducted by Innova Market Insights consider a number of different issues. These include the sustainability issues that are most critical to European consumers, actions taking by European consumers to be more sustainable at home, consumer views on the role played by corporations – including meat and dairy producers – toward sustainability, and how consumers feel about farming innovations that support sustainability.

European Consumers are Most Concerned About Planet Health

Climate change affects the European environment, economy and society. That is why sustainability is so important. Consumer trends in Europe show that health of the planet is the top concern among Europeans consumers. European consumers also are concerned about political instability, terrorism, and immigration. Consumer trends surveys show differences among demographic groups, with Boomers, members of large households, and French and German consumers naming political instability and terrorism first. European consumers are very aware of planet health issues such as water shortages and plastic and food waste. Many, including Millennials, higher-income households and larger families, say that they would pay more to fix these issues.

European Consumers Take Action Toward Sustainability

A solid proportion of European consumers surveyed say that purchasing sustainable food and beverage products makes them feel good personally and about the environment. The first action taken by Europeans is to minimize food waste. The next action is to eat seasonal foods. As European consumers get older, they are more likely to take these actions.

European consumers reduce food waste to manage their budget and spend less. One way they reduce food waste is to reuse leftovers. Consumer trends surveys also show that European consumers upcycle and shop for local products. European consumers, especially as they get older, recycle and upcycle to help the environment. By supporting local growers, producers and merchants, European consumers say that they are being socially responsible. They prefer local and regional food and beverage products to imported ones, say that locally sourced ingredients are important, and they read the package label for information about local ingredients.

European Consumer Expectations for F&B Sustainability

Expecting Corporations to Act Responsibility

European consumers say that companies should act sustainably. Some of the ways consumers say this can be done are through efficient use of natural resources, greater transparency, sustainable packaging, and investments in protecting nature. While consumers notice that manufacturers are discussing sustainability on their labels and using sustainable packaging, they’ve also noticed price increases. Consumers define actions to protect nature as caring for animals, forests and oceans. However, priorities differ by generation. Protecting animals is the priority for Generation Z and Millennials, Generation X prioritizes protecting oceans, and Boomers focus on protecting forests.

Consumers Suspect Greenwashing

European consumers have less trust in big companies because they think companies are taking profits and greenwashing. European consumers, especially older consumers, can’t tell if a company is greenwashing and this causes confusion. Consumer trends surveys in Europe show that consumers want companies to be more honest and straightforward on packages about their actions toward sustainability and the environment.

Agriculture Solutions to Protect Nature

European consumers notice nature-related claims on product packaging and manufacturers increasingly are including environmental claims on package labels. Regenerative agriculture offers a solution for sustainability, and European consumers view regenerative agriculture positively. Smaller percentages have a positive impression of precision farming, where data and technology together help farmers monitor a number of different factors. European consumers accept products generated by innovative farming techniques because they are better for the planet, including decreased carbon emissions. They worry that new farming practices could be more expensive for farmers, and therefore for consumers.

Meat and Dairy Sustainability Means Animal Welfare

European consumers are concerned about animal welfare when eating meat or dairy products. Lesser areas of concern are food quality, safety, health, and traceability. According to consumer trends, European consumers, led by Boomers, are eating less beef, lamb and pork. European consumers are very willing to try meat substitutes and consider them to be sustainable. They also choose meat substitutes and dairy alternatives more often. Launches of meat substitutes are growing faster than launches of dairy alternatives, both from a small base. Few manufacturers display an animal welfare claim on-pack, even though animal welfare is important to European consumers.

What’s Next in Sustainability in Food and Beverage Industry?

Expect consumer demand for meat substitutes and dairy alternatives that have better mouth feel and flavor. Environmental, animal and human ethics claims are poised to become more prevalent, especially as consumers pressure companies to be more sustainable. Large companies risk losing consumers to producers of local ingredients and products that are seen as more sustainable. Rapid technological innovation is likely to increase processes such as gene editing. Companies will respond to consumer demand for responsible and transparent sourcing.


This article is based on Innova’s Now & Next in Consumer Expectations in Sustainability in Europe report. This report is available to purchase or with an Innova Reports subscription. Reach out to find out more

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