Consumer Snacking Trends in the US and Canada

Explore the latest snacking trends impacting the food and beverage industry in the US and Canada

September 27, 2024 – In the US and Canada, consumers snack during the day for convenience, energy boosts, satisfying cravings, or supporting dietary goals with healthier options. Innova’s 360 research into the consumer snacking trends highlights the latest consumer attitude shifts in snacking, healthy and indulgence snacking trends, and what may develop in the future.

Snacking Habits

In the US and Canada, 15% of consumers snack while traveling or on-the-go. Snacking habits differ across generations, with Gen Z and Millennials snacking more than once a day away from home. While all generations prefer snacking at home, Millennials prefer on-the-go snacking as their second choice.

Younger consumers, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, show higher snack consumption at outdoor spaces like parks as compared to other generations. This indicates the growing demand for convenient, portable snack options. This highlights the significance of catering to the snacking habits of younger generations.

Healthy Snacking Trends

Over the past year, 32% of consumers in the US and Canada have consumed healthy snacks once a day. It is driven by the desire to feel better physically, weight control, maintaining a balanced diet, and preventing any health conditions. Around 24% of consumers in Canada and the US often consider health-promoting ingredients when buying snacks. They look for protein, fiber and vitamins when seeking specific ingredients in snacks. Protein is particularly popular among highly active consumers. This interest is reflected in the rise of protein-packed snacks like nuts, seeds, corn-based snacks and meat options.

Consumers check a snack’s healthiness by looking at its ingredients, and they seek options with no artificial ingredients, no additives or preservatives, and natural ingredients. Older generations like Generation X and boomers prioritize no artificial ingredients claims more as compared to younger generations.

Snacking Trends in the US

Wellness Snacking Trends

In the US and Canada, younger consumers eat snacks to cope with stress. 23% of Gen Z and 25% of Millennials are turning to snacks for stress relief as compared to Generation X and Boomers. Consumer snacking trends research shows that snacking usually amplifies positive emotions, although 17% of consumers experience guilt after consuming snacks.

Emotions like craving, boredom, comfort, stress and anxiety drive snack consumption. Despite this, 52% of consumers in the US and Canada have become more aware of their mindful snacking habits. Additionally, 51% of consumers believe snacking boosts their emotional well-being, with Millennials associating snacking with emotional well-being more than any generation.

Morning Snacking Trends

Consumers in Canada and the US are most likely to value health in morning snacks. Convenience, healthy choices, satiety and nutritious ingredients are the most important factors for them.

Popular morning snacks include fruits and vegetables, cereal and energy bars, dairy snacks, and bread snacks. Morning snacks often feature various flavors like sweet, fruity, salty, savory and creamy, catering to diverse tastes. The morning occasion presents a great opportunity for healthy snacking solutions, as consumers want a guilt-free and mentally comfortable start to the day.

Healthy and Indulgence Trends

In the US and Canada, 29% of consumers indulge in a snack at least once a day, driven by a preference for rich flavor, sweet, savory flavors, and crispy texture. Consumers look for indulgence in cake, pastries and sweet goods, chocolate confectionery, and salty snack categories, where enjoyment and comfort are key reasons. While 26% of North American consumers prefer indulgent snacking experiences when they’re ‘tasty yet healthy,’ however, 36% of consumers lean toward enjoyment over health.

Innovators might face the challenge of making indulgent snacks healthier without compromising the richness of flavor. In the US and Canada, consumers prefer a reduction approach to making their indulgent snacks healthier. Brands that balance indulgence and health can meet the growing demand for healthier options without compromising on enjoyment.

Affordability and Snacking Trends

Personal finances are the top concern for consumers in Canada and the US, significantly influencing food and beverage purchases. When buying food and drink, cost/value for money, freshness, and flavors have been important factors for consumers over the past year. With 61% of consumers noticing price rises of snack products over the past year, these rising costs are impacting purchasing habits. Snacking is a way to relieve stress and offer a moment of pleasure in times of economic uncertainty, especially among higher-income consumers.

What’s Next in Consumer Snacking Trends in the US and Canada?

In the US and Canada, there has been a 3% increase in snacking while traveling compared to 2023. Gen Z consumers are more likely to snack away from home. Brands can tap into this trend by creating snacks customized to dynamic, on-the-go lifestyles with products suitable for activities like traveling and outdoor adventures. While consumers crave indulgent snacks for comfort and enjoyment, many also seek healthier options. This presents an opportunity for manufacturers to develop low-sugar, low-fat snacks without compromising the richness of flavor and naturalness.

As 78% of North American consumers consistently check prices, even for small items, supermarkets remain the primary snack-buying location. Manufacturers are likely to balance affordability with indulgence, offering satisfying yet budget-friendly products. Brands that adapt to evolving lifestyle trends and economic conditions are likely to meet consumer demands.


This article is based on Innova’s Now & Next in Consumer Attitudes Toward Snacking in the US & Canada report. Find out more about this report by booking a demo or reach out to us using our Contact Form.

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