Sodium Reduction Trends: Global Market Overview

Explore how sodium reduction trends are developing across the global food and beverage industry

August 29, 2024 – Globally, consumers are increasingly opting for food and beverage products with lower sodium or lower salt claims due to health concerns, leading manufacturers to use salt substitutes and flavor enhancers to maintain taste while reducing sodium content. Innova’s 360 research into sodium reduction trends highlights the latest developments, consumer preferences, and what may develop in the future within the global food and beverage industry.

The Meaning of Sodium Reduction Claims

Globally, sodium reduction claims include low sodium, no sodium, and reduced sodium. These claims describe food and beverage products that have less sodium content. In some countries, like the United States, a reduced sodium claim means at least 25% less sodium. Product launches in the United States that display low sodium claims are required by law to have 140mg sodium per serving or less. Additionally, no sodium claims include all products labeled by the manufacturer or the label can mention no added salt. These products may include ingredients with naturally occurring sodium.

Salt Substitutes and Flavor Enhancers

Salt substitutes are considered as safe for use in food and beverage products. These substitutes, either as single ingredients or combinations, replace some or all the added salt, reducing the sodium content while also replicating the functions of salt in the food. Calcium chloride, Epsom salt, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate are the most commonly used salt substitutes.

To improve the taste of sodium-reduced products, manufacturers can use flavor enhancers. These enhancers can enhance flavors such as cheese, miscellaneous, savory, sour, and sweet. Additionally, herbs and spices are also used to enhance the flavor.

Sodium Reduction Trends

Sodium Reduction Trends

Sodium is the main element of table salt, chemically called sodium chloride. It is also present in flavor enhancers like monosodium glutamate (MSG) and disodium inosinate. The problem with eating a diet high in sodium is an increased chance of high blood pressure, which in turn increases the chances of heart disease. This has prompted health organizations and governments globally to advise consumers to reduce their sodium intake in their diet.

A majority of sodium in diets comes from packaged and prepared foods. Manufacturers can gradually reduce the sodium content in their products, allowing consumers to adjust over time. Many manufacturers reduce sodium content over several years without placing a sodium-reduction claim on the label to avoid turning off consumers. That is why sodium reduction activity is going on beyond the use of claims in the market.

Sodium Reduction Policies

Governments and health organizations are putting pressure on manufacturers to reduce salt and sodium usage. A recent World Health Organization report includes a sodium country scorecard that assesses how effectively each country is implementing sodium reduction policies. The highest score on this scale is 4. The United States and other 42 countries received a score of 3, indicating they have at least one mandatory sodium policy and a declaration of sodium on pre-packaged food.

Consumer Preference for Sodium Reduction Products

Sodium reduction trends highlight a global shift toward healthier food and beverage choices, with consumers increasingly prioritizing products low in salt, sugar, and fat. They are highly conscious of limiting salt/sodium, making it the third most limited food and beverage component after sugar and fat.

Globally, 22% of consumers actively seek foods that are low in these ingredients. In Brazil and Mexico, 46% and 38% of consumers respectively limit salt and sodium in their diets, displaying the highest percentage of consumers across the globe. This trend intensifies with age, as the percentage of those limiting sodium doubles from ages 18-24 to 55+, reflecting the rising concern over heart disease and its link to high blood pressure.

Consumers determine the healthiness of products by looking at package features such as the ingredient list and nutrition label.

Trends in Action

Two of Innova’s annual Top 10 Trends of 2024 align with the growing focus on sodium reduction. More than 1 in 3 consumers globally believe that maintaining a balanced diet is important for healthy aging, and 1 in 4 older consumers specifically seek low levels of sugar, salt, and fat. They are more concerned about heart health, and salt/sodium is associated with this concern. This aligns with the ‘Prioritizing Prevention’ trend, where consumers take proactive steps to prevent health concerns by choosing products that support their well-being.

Sodium reduction trends also align with another key trend, ‘Indulging in Health.’ More than 1 in 3 consumers think the best way to make indulgent foods healthier is by reducing unhealthy ingredients and using more natural ones. This ‘Indulging in Health’ trend reflects that health brands are moving into indulgence, blending comfort with added health benefits for an ideal balance.

Growth in Sodium Reduction Claims

Sodium reduction claims are most prominent in Western Europe and Latin America, with Africa and Asia showing the highest growth rates at 12% and 10% over the past five years. This growth is driven by several categories, including spreads, meat substitutes, confectionery, meat, fish and eggs, and ready meals and side dishes, highlighting a commitment to healthier food options.

Sodium reduction trends reveal that new product launches featuring sodium claims, as well as claims with salt substitutes or flavor enhancers, remain relatively stable globally.

The Rise of Flavor Enhancers

The use of flavor enhancer ingredients is on the rise after a drop in 2020. It provides a way to compensate for salt reduction by boosting flavor. Flavor enhancers like calcium lactate, fumaric acid, and disodium 5’-ribonucleotides drive ingredient growth. Meanwhile, the launch of other flavor enhancers and salt substitutes remains steady. Herbs and spices with sodium-related claims, such as chili, paprika, and turmeric, have also grown over the past five years.

Top Companies and Brands

Nestlé leads globally in launching new products with sodium-reduction claims over the past five years, followed by Danone, Hero, Kraft Heinz, and Dm Drogerie Markt.

Sodium reduction trends show Tia, CK Hutchison, Jufico, Holle Baby Food, and Rossmann are the fastest growing companies, offering sodium-reduced products across various categories such as chocolates, baby meals, and snacks. The focus on reducing sodium in baby and toddler foods indicates a growing trend toward healthier options, highlighting that sodium reduction in these products is likely to become even more prevalent.

What’s Next in Sodium Reduction Trends?

Sodium reduction trends show that product launches with salt substitutes or flavor enhancers are stable to declining as consumers increasingly scrutinize ultra-processed foods and their chemical-sounding ingredients. Salt substitutes have not fully replicated the taste of regular salt, and consumers are looking for foods and beverages that are natural, fresh, and nutritious. This presents opportunities for manufacturers to develop products that maximize flavor from food, herb and spice ingredients and require less sodium chloride for sensory appeal.

Sodium reduction claims become important as consumers get older. By focusing on the benefits of reduced sodium for long-term health rather than illness or old age, companies can appeal to older consumers and promote healthy aging with a positive, proactive message. The demand for natural, health-focused products is likely to drive innovation in sodium reduction.


This article is based on our report, “Now & Next in Sodium Reduction – Global.” If you are interested in reading this report, feel free to request a demo.
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