Consumer Health Trends in the US and Canada

Explore the latest consumer health trends, including product innovations across the US and Canada

August 8, 2024 – In the US and Canada, consumers desire healthy aging to enjoy longer, more active lives, reduce healthcare costs, and prevent age-related health issues. Innova’s 360 research into consumer health trends allows for the identification of key insights in new product launches and innovations in the food and beverage industry, as well as what may develop in the future across the US and Canada.

Megatrends Impacting Consumers’ Health

Food and beverage trends are shaped by significant global forces, including political, economic, sociological, environmental, and technological factors. Examples of these megatrends include the cost-of-living crisis, technological transformation, as well as the health of the planet and the population.

Due to the pandemic, consumers are increasingly prioritizing their health and wellbeing, with 3 in 5 consumers in the US and Canada making lifestyle changes due to global concerns. These shifts in lifestyle and attitudes drive the health trend, aligning with Innova’s Top 10 Trends of 2024, “Prioritizing Prevention.” This trend highlights that consumers are taking positive actions to prevent health concerns before they arise, which is driving them to buy products that support their personal wellbeing for a longer, healthier life.

Consumer Perceptions Toward Aging Well

Consumers of all ages are embracing healthy aging as part of a new era of holistic wellbeing. Nearly 1 in 3 consumers in the US and Canada have taken more action over the past year to live healthier. The desire to age well is driving them toward a healthier lifestyle, with 59% of consumers stating that healthy aging is important to them. Consumer health trends research shows this priority spans all generations, though senior consumers are particularly concerned about aging healthily as compared to younger generations.

When asked which aspects of healthy aging is important, all generations, including Gen Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Boomers, emphasize the importance of maintaining an active mind and body. This health trend underscores the universal appeal of healthy aging and its influence on consumer behavior.

Consumer Health Trends

Consumer Healthy Eating Trends

Consumers in the US and Canada prioritized their physical and mental health by getting more sleep, increasing physical exercise, and making nutritional changes over the past 12 months. Consumer health trends research reveals that 2 in 5 consumers in the US and Canada are focusing more on whole-food plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. They are also taking supplements and consuming more foods and beverages that support body functions.

Freshness, natural ingredients, and high nutritional value are key factors for consumers in healthy food and beverages. Brands are responding by highlighting these aspects in their products to attract consumer attention. For instance, Gelatys Greek Yogurt Gelato Pop prominently displays ‘Made with natural ingredients’ claim. This health trend indicates a rising consumer demand for products that promote overall well-being.

Innovation Opportunities in Health Trends

In the US and Canada, there has been a 2% rise in average annual growth for food and beverage products with a healthy aging claim. Innovations in this space focus on multifunctional benefits and key health claims such as source of protein, source of fiber, immune health, and digestive and gut health.

Consumer health trends research displays that over the past two years, brain health claims in food and beverage launches have significantly increased, creating opportunities for new supplement products. For instance, Aeryon Wellness’s Wake Me Up promotes alertness and relieves fatigue, while The Brain Health Company’s Procera supports memory. Additionally, many brands are highlighting mental and mood benefit claims on their products.

Consumer health trends indicate a growing interest in anti-aging nutritional ingredients from the sea, aligning with another of Innova’s Top 10 Trends of 2024, “Oceans of Possibilities.” This trend emphasizes the potential of marine farms as sources of new, environmentally positive ingredients. Over the past two years, there has been a 5% rise in product launches containing algae. Both algae and seaweed are becoming more prominent in food products, reflecting a broader movement towards sustainable and health-focused innovations in the food and beverage industry.

What’s Next in the Consumer Health Trends?

Consumer health trends research shows that 62% of consumers in the US and Canada find it important that supplements can be personalized to their needs. Brands can tap into this trend by creating more personalized supplements that cater to different generational needs, balancing strategies to attract younger consumers while retaining older ones whose priorities evolve with age. All generations emphasize maintaining an active mind and body, which brands can leverage by highlighting these targeted health benefits in their products.

Additionally, 29% of consumers in the US and Canada claim to be proactive in preventing health issues. Brands can support this by developing protein-rich products, exploring novel ingredients, and crafting solutions for holistic well-being. By capitalizing on early behavior changes, brands can drive future product development for major health concerns. The focus on personalization and proactive health measures is likely to continue shaping the food and beverage industry.


This article is based on our report, “Prioritizing Prevention: Consumer Action Toward Healthy Aging in the US & Canada.” If you are interested in reading this report, feel free to request a demo.
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