Top 10 Trends 2024: Local Goes Global

Explore the fifth trend in Innova’s Top Ten Trends of 2024, “Local Goes Global”

May 15, 2024 –   The #5 Top 10 Trend of 2024 from Innova Market Insights, Local Goes Global, captures the convergence of the local and global food and beverage markets, along with various concerns about the environment. 

Exploring the World through Global Cuisines

Consumers love to explore the world through global cuisines, with Asian cuisines being especially popular. They seek authenticity and adventure through global cuisines. Also, global cuisines are shared on social media by younger consumers, inspiring others to try and share their experiences, especially with spicy and lesser-known dishes.  

Environmental Concerns Support Desire for Local

Local ingredients and products appeal to consumers because they align with environmental concerns and the need for self-sustaining communities. Younger consumers in particular are attracted to food-related issues such as regenerative agriculture, regenerative farming, demand for more transparency in labeling, and local food production.  

Consumers Enjoy Global Flavors at Home

Consumers around the world are attracted to foreign cuisines that are authentic and confer a sense of adventure. Sizable proportions of consumers who participated in Innova’s global consumer trends research say that they are open to trying new flavors from other countries and view them as adventures in taste. After one’s home cuisine, Asian cuisines are most popular for meals, especially among consumers in Europe and North America. Chinese flavors are the most popular flavors from Asian countries. Manufacturers also are responding with growing numbers of launches from other East Asian cuisines, especially those with Korean flavors, as well as launches from European, Latin America and Africa. Meat, ready meals, and sauces are the fastest growing categories. 

Top 10 Trends 2024

Younger Generations are Most Adventurous

Responses from consumer trends research show that Gen Z and Millennial consumers are most interested in exploring new ethnic cuisines, with a majority of younger consumers saying they feel adventurous. Post-COVID pandemic, half of consumers say they want to explore new tastes, led by younger consumers. Younger consumers more than Gen X and Boomer consumers find out about new food trends through social media. 

Consumer Trends Support Local Food Production

Consumer trends research shows that consumers view locally grown and produced foods as having benefits to themselves, the environment, and their community. Information about local ingredients often appear on the label, and over half of Latin American and Asian consumers actively look for locally sourced ingredients on labels. Smaller proportions of North American and European consumers seek information on local sourcing. 

Local Food Production Shines

Consumer trends show that consumers respond to local sourcing and production in the food and beverage market. Meat is the top category where local production resonates, followed by seafood, bottled water, and baked goods. Counties that have local programs supported by their consumers include New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. Furthermore, consumers in these countries and Europe are willing to pay more for locally produced products. 

A majority of consumers would like to see local communities be more self-sufficient in the future. The sentiment is led by consumers in Indonesia, Mexico, and India. Somewhat smaller but still strong numbers are seen in the UK, Brazil, and Germany. 

Global Cuisines Become More Varied

Global cuisines are becoming more varied and widespread, leading to the introduction of less well-known flavors such as Korean gochujang, Japanese furikake and Filipino adobo. These appeal to consumers for their authenticity and inclusion of local ingredients from their country of origin. 

Led by younger consumers, flavor introductions from around the world are likely to become even less familiar, more authentic, and spicier. Asian cuisines will continue to spread from regions such as Western Europe and North America into regions like Eastern Europe and Africa where they are not as well-known. Social media will aid in the spread of information and photos of dishes representing global cuisines. 

Local Goes Global

Local Food Opportunities Focus on Agriculture

Trends research shows that consumers, growers, and food producers all are becoming more aware of ethical and environmental responsibility. Expect to see changes in areas such as regenerative farming and regenerative agriculture, ethical labor practices, and plant-based meat and dairy alternatives that can utilize local ingredients and products. As with other aspects of the food and beverage industry, consumers in the younger generations are interested in farming and will use digital media and social media to market and promote local produce, ingredients, and brands to other consumers, manufacturers, and retailers. 

The Impact of Regulations and Economics

Government actions and regulations impact farming. In the US, the Farm Bill will generate support for those in local agriculture. Label regulations that require listing of place of origin, supply chain information, or information on farming practices call attention to locally produced foods.  

Economic factors that include increases in labor and transportation costs can propel growth for local sourcing, although higher food prices could have an impact if consumers are not willing to pay more for local food.  

What’s Next in Top Food Trends?

Globally, emerging ethnic flavors will attract consumers who are looking for variety and authentic dining experiences. Spicy flavors have a prominent place on the watch list. Younger consumers will be the ones to push new flavors, especially from Asia and using social media. Plant-based meats will become more palatable and tastier with the addition of ethnic flavors.  

On a local level, factors supporting local food production will include regenerative agriculture and regenerative farming, plant-based foods, and ethical awareness regarding people, animals, and the environment. Also expect more government support for local farmers. Local production is expected to rise if labor and transportation costs continue to rise and as long as local is not more expensive. Label requirements for listing place of origin often are local to a particular country but will impact supply chain transparency for global ingredients 


This article is based on our report, “Top 10 Trends 2024: Trends #5 – Local Goes Global.”
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