REPORT Global Plant-Based Trends 2024

This report discusses topics related to Innova’s #4 trend for 2024 – “Plant-Based: The Rise of Applied Offerings”. It uses analysis of consumer research and launch trends to assess the continuing evolution of plant-based eating around the world. From strict vegans to reluctant reducers, there are now many different types of plant-based consumer, so variety on-shelf is essential to meet their differing needs. Convenient solutions – particularly plant-based versions of familiar foods – are increasingly important as are more diverse recipes with international flavors. The report also discusses trends in ingredients and the diversification of plant protein choices, with particular growth in pea and other legume proteins. Looking ahead, plant-based will continue its diversification into all areas of food and beverage, while there will be scope for more seasonality in the marketplace. Interest in plant-based will also expand further geographically, while foodservice will increasingly support the movement alongside retail development.

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